Otherwise play conservatively and stay on the non-track path. Make a bee-line for the exit when a mine car passes and most of the time, it will be clear on the tracks. The hint scroll: 'Do not proceed before you raise the tower's floor', refers to the Gold bodypart inside the tower (used to be a Runestone). Turbo will allow players to make short sprints to safety when required.
Guarding will not only prevent knockdown, but also reduce damage to the character.
While running on the mine car tracks, it is easy to forget Guarding. Smart players will attempt the secret maze after killing everything else outside. Open the gate then use the walls to intervene on your behalf. It is behind a locked door guarded by a Golem (Bloody Polar Bear). When you get to the pier proper, you will be near the area where the secret maze is. A search for secret walls along the trail will allow access to a small cache of goodies guarded by a Warlord. When you are off the ship, follow the ice floe by opening one or two doors and battle grunts and Dragons to work the way up the mountain's side trail. A black Death is hidden as a trapped container on the ship. Near where you start on one player, do not open any barrels or chests and tag the wall switch on the side of the ship you are on to access the Anti-Death Halo. Do not use too many keys on this level, as there is an abundance of locked doors and good treasure.